
The Birth of AuraJin

Carol Klesow received the inspiration for AuraJin in a dream being guided to synthesize the wisdom of colors and numbers of Aura-Soma® linked to the numbered 26 Jin Shin Jyutsu® locations on the body. After extensive research class notes from studies with her teachers, Mary Burmeister, Jin Shin Jyutsu® and Mike Booth, Aura-Soma®. Seeing profound and synchronistic messages flowing between these two mystical systems, this study became Carol's ASIACT Thesis subject for her Aura-Soma Teacher Certification. It quickly became apparent that the wisdom of the integration of number and color and body and spirit reached far beyond into other realms. It was through the universal languages of color and number that the principals which order physical reality operate to transform consciousness can be know by touching, listening and our seeing awareness.. Carol began to see the teachings of color and number appearing in all of the esoteric wisdom systems and to experience the manifestations of color and number as a vehicle to see their manifestation  in the physical world of living daily life.

 It was at the request of her teacher Mike Booth that Carol wrote AuraJin©-Recognizing Spirit in Matter and developed the AuraJin Practitioners Training.

Facilitating the Aura-Soma Process

The practice of AuraJin is an effortless and simple hands-on therapy that integrates all of the knowledge gained from the Aura-Soma® Course Levels with the 26 numbered AuraJin Portal vibrations at specific locaters on the body. These AuraJin Portal number vibrations are intimately resonate with the Tarot's Major Arcana and the dimensions of the four elements. 

The AuraJIn Portals hold the vibrations of the Aura-Soma Equilibrium color and number energies. The AuraJIn Practitioners Program teaches a  process for creating simple sequences from the clients 4 bottle selection. Adding the touch and the caring quality of PINK into the process  the hands become a carrier and receiver having the possibility when held to modify consciousness and further open access to the Teacher within.

The Program